Acupuncture Basics
Acupuncture has widespread actions in the body and effects the whole body. The goal of acupuncture is to return balance to body and mechanical systems. Systems out of balance can show up as poor sleep, poor temperature regulation, sweating, poor digestion and many other small signs. Together these provide the roadmap to restoring health. How do needles do all of this? Movement.
The Chinese have long explained moment in the body through Qi. In the west it can be hard to relate to the concept of Qi, so what is it really? Imagine all the movement happening in the body every second. Blood flow, nerve transmission, hormone regulation, the immune system, and all the actions of our cells, numbering in the trillions are examples of this movement. Qi is just another way of describing movement and the power behind all of our functions. Acupuncture works with the neuromuscular system to aid in the release of tight or strained muscles and aid in pain relief. Acupuncture can help regulate hormone imbalances, temperature and blood flow. Many of the ways in which acupuncture works is still difficult to explain. ORTHOPEDIC ACUPUNCTUREOrthopedic acupuncture combines the concepts of Chinese medicine with western concepts of anatomy, trigger points, motor points, and orthopedic testing to resolve pain conditions. The combination of these two approaches allows for the best of both worlds. Treatments are effective, relaxing, and safe. Often surgery or other invasive measures can be avoided. Acupuncture can also help in the recovery after surgery. By focusing on musculoskeletal imbalance we can bring you out of pain even after years of suffering. Acupuncture can be a great pair to massage, chiropractics, and physical therapy. Come in for a free consultation and we can answer all your specific questions.
Does acupuncture hurt? |
For the majority of people acupuncture doesn't hurt. Acupuncture needles are surprisingly thin, 20-30 acupuncture needles can fit inside a standard hypodermic needle. Occasionally it may feel like a tiny prick or mosquito bite, but the sensation is very quick. Often people report mild heaviness, tingling, sensations of movement, or a sensation in an area at a different location from the needle.
Do you reuse needles? |
Acupuncture needles are solid, single use, sterile, disposable needles. We use them once and then never again. They are incinerated like all other forms of medical waste. There is no risk of transmission of pathogens through the needles and extremely low risk of causing irritation.
Are there any negative side effects to acupuncture? |
Acupuncture can occasionally cause a small bruise at the site of the needle. People can feel slightly fatigued after a treatment. This feeling can be reduced by eating prior to the treatment, but there is nothing to worry about if you feel a little fatigued afterward. Acupuncture can be very powerful and the body needs time to work through the changes after a treatment. Drink plenty of water and eat a nourishing snack after each treatment.